Top Packing Tips for Your Next Home Move

Moving is easy, but things like packing up the house can make the whole process more frustrating than anticipated.
People moving for the first time will find moving to a new place twice as stressful because they don’t know any tricks they can pull to reduce their workload to make the process faster and smoother.
Fortunately, these tips for packing to move across country will make emptying the house for transition effortless.
1. Figure out the size of the box: small, medium, or large
Moving homes won’t be possible without boxes. Whether small, medium, or large, boxes are the most essential packing supplies for relocating home because it acts as storage for homewares.
Then again, it’s not just about buying any size of box to pack up the house. It’s about using the right box sizes to wrap household items. The wrong box size could mean possible damage to homewares. So, don’t make the mistake of using any box around because that’s what is available.
2. Use a good placement plan: heavy things down, light items up
Another packing to move tips to consider is to find a placement plan.
How household items are packed will determine whether they get to the new house safely or break on the way. A good placement plan to consider is to place heavy items first and light ones on top.
For instance, place boxes with books below and boxes with clothes on top.
This placement pattern ensures that ultralight items have enough support and don’t crush easily under the weight of weighty stuff.
3. Fill up air gaps in the box
It’s not enough to wrap items, place them in the box and tape them. Boxes may have empty spaces in them, making items rattle when they come in contact. If this happens, the chances are that any valuables in the box will break. So, to avoid damage to valuable homewares, use packing paper, towels, soft linens, or bubble wraps to cover air gaps.
4. Don’t mix items from each room together
Simply put, avoid mix-matching homewares. This is probably one of the most useful tips for packing clothes for a move anyone can consider.
Packing up the house in this other may seem easy at first, but when it boils to unpacking, the task becomes stressful.
Rather than mix items from each room because they look identical, employing an organizational route will take the stress away and make it easy to find things.
5. Label each box
Another useful packing for a move tips is to label boxes.
These tips on packing to move make it easy to find things you need quickly. Plus, it also makes unpacking easy.
So, how does one label moving boxes?
Consider color coding options by using colored stickers on the box, with each color representing a room. That way, it’ll be easy to identify what box belongs to what room. Alternatively, label boxes with contents. This step will prove easier because it states exactly the box contents without having to open it.
6. Tape the box well
Every item in the box, whether small or large is delicate. No matter how well-packed the boxes are, the items may shatter and break if it is not tapped. Of course, bubble wrap and packing paper will serve as an extra layer of protection in the box, but when it falls without being tapped, they don’t offer many shields. So, use packing tape to seal any opening on the box right after packing items inside the box.
7. Pack the kitchen properly
Kitchen items are delicate. In fact, they hold more fragile stuff in the house than any other part of the house. So, when packing for transit, it’s always important to take special care when packing up the kitchen. To ensure to get to the new place safely, do the following:
• Put delicate items like bowls inside the pot
• Pack plates vertically
• Stack pots and pans together
• Use dividers when packing glasses and stemware
• Wrap knives in dish towels
• Use plastic bins to pack liquids so they don’t spill
8. Defrost the fridge a day before the transit
Don’t be big on shifting homes with frozen items or perishable foods in the fridge. They may spoil and pollute the air in the fridge. Try as much as possible to finish any food items in the fridge before the move-out day. If it doesn’t seem possible, get them out of the fridge a day before the move so the fridge can lose the ice and smell in it on time for relocation.
9. Categorize homewares
It’s important to pack the house by sections in each room than throwing every single item in the room together.
Instead, pack boxes by items. Place books separately, and white office wears separately. Use this method to wrap every other item to avoid a stressful situation when unpacking.
10. Use furniture pads, bubble wrap, and packing paper for fragile items
Glasses, plates, cups, sofas, desks, drawers, and even wardrobes are fragile. They can break, or scratch, and the paint can chip off easily on wooden items. Most people believe that if they put them in a box, nothing can happen to them, but it isn’t so. Objects in a box may rattle, clank, and break when they touch each other. Other items like pianos and large furniture may scratch or get dirty from dust. Furniture pads, bubble wraps, and packing paper will protect these items from possible damage to their surface.
11. Research professional moving companies
Not all shippers are legitimate. Some are just rip-offs posing as reliable moving companies. Before engaging in their services, read up on past reviews about them. Also, be sure the company does not engage in frequent name switches and has a legal license, insurance coverage, and professional accreditations. Doing this research will make it easy to find reliable shipping contractors no matter the location of the new house.
Packing hacks are all about making the packing process easy for anyone. From finding a good placement pattern to choosing the right size box, labeling the box, filling empty spaces, tapping the box, and sticking to an organized routine, these tips for packing for a move will make it easy to change homes.
Ready to move and need packing services Chicago offers? Visit to find reliable moving services in Chicago.