How to Clean Clarks Desert Boots: Effective Tips for Elegant Boots

Clarks Desert Boots are a very stylish and elegant variety of boots that can be worn in formal as well as in informal occasions. These boots come in two different types which are mentioned below:
- Clarks Desert Suede Boots: As the name implies, these boots are made up of suede.
- Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots: This type of Clarks Desert Boots is made up of leather.
Like every other type of boots, these boots also get stained when they are used for a longer duration and they require specialized methods of cleaning them. Therefore, in this article, we are going to talk about the different tips for cleaning both types of Clarks Desert Boots.
Below are some of the most useful tips for cleaning Clarks Desert Suede Boots and Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots.
Tips for Cleaning Clarks Desert Suede Boots
For cleaning your Clarks Desert Suede Boots, you can make use of any of the following tips:
Tip # 1: Use a Suede Brush
For using this tip, get a good quality suede brush and start brushing off all the loose dirt and dust particles present on your Clarks Desert Suede Boots. However, there are some dust particles that are stuck so tightly on to your boots that it is not possible to get rid of them merely with a suede brush. For such particles, use a butter knife to scrape them off, and then you can use a suede brush again to wipe them away.
Tip # 2: Use a Suede Eraser
There are some stubborn marks that do not go away by merely buffing your boots with a suede brush. For such stains and marks, you can make use of a suede eraser. All you have to do is to take a suede eraser and just start rubbing it against the stains that are present on your Clarks Desert Suede Boots. Once you notice that the marks are going away and the suede eraser has started leaving its particles on to the surface of your boots, you can simply take a suede brush and get rid of those eraser particles and your boots will be all set to be worn again.
Tip # 3: Use Towel and Newspapers
For making use of this method, you will need to stuff your boots with some newspapers so that they retain their shape during the whole process since suede shoes are very likely to deshape whenever you try to clean them. After doing that, take a clean towel and dip it in some water. Now rub this damp towel against your boots to make them wet. Take another dry towel and absorb the excess water from your boots with it. Finally, let your boots dry in the air before you can wear them again.
Tip # 4: Dye your Clarks Desert Suede Boots
If no other tip is working for removing the stubborn stains from your Clarks Desert Suede Boots, then the last thing you should do is to dye your boots with any desired color. First of all, you will need to stuff your boots with some tissue paper or newspapers so that your boots stay in good shape during the dying process. Now start applying the suede dye of your choice on to your boots. Next, let your boots dry in the air to make them ready to be worn again.
Tips for Cleaning Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots
For cleaning your Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots, you can make use of any of the following tips:
Tip # 1: Use a Soft Bristled Brush
This is the simplest method of getting rid of those dust particles that can be removed merely by brushing your boots. All you have to do is to get a soft-bristled brush and start buffing your Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots with it and continue doing this process until all the loose dust particles are gone.
Tip # 2: Make use of Saddle Soap
For using this tip to clean your Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots, you will have to take a clean wet cloth. Now rub this wet cloth against the saddle soap to form a good lather. Start rubbing this cloth on to your shoes to get rid of all the stains. Now let your boots dry overnight. In the morning, use a clean wet cloth to get rid of the soap residues and let your boots to dry in the air before putting them on again. If you are on the lookout for purchasing saddle soap for your boots, do check out our 5 recommended options in our latest review on the best saddle soaps. They’ll surely serve the purpose.
Tip # 3: Use some Leather Oil
This tip is specifically used for giving some extra shine to your Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots. All you have to do is to get a good quality leather oil and apply it on to your boots by dipping a cotton ball in it. Roll this soaked cotton ball all over your boots until they are nicely coated with oil. Now buff your boots well with a brush to enhance their shine to the fullest.
Tip # 4: Make use of a Shoe Cleaner
This is the ultimate tip for keeping your Clarks Beeswax Leather Boots in their pristine condition. Take a good quality shoe cleaner and apply it all over your boots with the help of a cotton ball or a soft cotton cloth. Once your boots are nicely coated with this shoe cleaner, buff your boots well with a soft-bristled brush to get a long-lasting shine.
In this article, we talked about a number of different tips and techniques for cleaning both types of your Clarks Desert Boots. These boots are very comfortable to wear no matter which place you are in. Since people prefer to wear them quite often, that is why it becomes very important for you to keep them cleaned and in good condition. For doing that, you can make use of any of the tips discussed above depending upon the type of your Clarks Desert Boots according to your own choice and convenience. In this way, you will easily be able to get rid of all the stains present on your Clarks Desert Boots and they will start appearing to be new once again.
Check out these products that can help you with cleaning your Clarks Desert boots:
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