How to Remove Scratches from Leather Boots: Say Goodbye to Scratches

Leather is the most tough yet most sensitive material for boots. By sensitive what we mean is that it gets cuts and scratches very easily whenever you walk on stony paths or any other uneven surfaces. Moreover, you can also get scratches whenever your leather boots rub against one another. If your boots are new, then for a few days these scratches will not be that prominent.
However, as soon as your boots start losing their natural glare, those scratches start making your boots to look worn out. Therefore, in this article, we are going to share with you some amazing tips with the help of which you can easily remove scratches from your leather boots.
There are multiple different ways through which you can remove the scratches from your leather boots. However, here we are going to share with you some of the most useful and effective tips of getting rid of the scratches of leather boots. You can follow whichever tip you like the best.
Tip 1. Condition your Leather Boots with Oil
This is the easiest and quickest method of removing scratches from leather boots. All you have to do is to dip a cotton ball in any good quality oil and start applying this oil all over your leather boots. Gently rub the cotton ball against your boots.
Once you are done with this, take a clean cloth and buff your shoes with it. You will notice shortly that all the scratches are gone for good. This method is best for light scratches of leather boots. For high intensity scratches, follow the tips below. However, if your boots have too much deep scratches and are worn out also, and you are a heavy-duty concrete worker who is thinking of getting a new pair, do check out our article covering the 5 best concrete work boots here . You will surely find your desired ones.
Tip 2. Apply Lanolin Cream to your Leather Boots
Lanolin cream is considered as a very good remedy against scratches of leather boots. For using this tip, all you have to do is to apply some lanolin cream over the scratched areas of your leather boots. After doing that, start buffing your boots nicely with a shoe brush for a few minutes and then let the lanolin cream to dry.
As soon as it dries up, you will notice that the scratches are no longer there. It happens because the Lanolin cream makes the leather of your boots to swell which forces the scratches to shrink until they entirely disappear. This method is good for the medium intensity scratches.
Tip 3. Re-Color your Leather Boots
This method is highly prescribed for very deep scratches that cannot be removed so easily. For doing that, you will need to entirely paint your boots again with the same color as they were before in order to blend the scratches within that paint.
If your leather boots are black in color, then you can either use a permanent black marker or even black boot polish. Apply this polish on to your shoes and then buff them well with a shoe brush for a few minutes to get rid of all the deep scratches. If you opt boot polish to re-color, don’t forget to check our recommended 5 picks in our latest review of best boot polish for 2024.
How to Prevent your Leather Boots from getting Scratches in the Future?
As we always say that prevention is better than cure then why not take the precautionary measures before instead of trying to use various tips to fix the scratches of leather boots later on?
In order to prevent your leather boots from getting the scratches in the first place, all you have to do is to get a good quality leather conditioner or a leather protective spray. Applying this conditioner or spray will increase the life and durability of your leather boots and will also prevent them from getting any possible scratches.
By making use of any of the tips mentioned in this article, you can conveniently get rid of the leather scratches. However, if you want to avoid these scratches in the first place, then you must not avoid using a leather conditioner or a leather protective spray for keeping your boots safe.